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Coaching in English

Coaching in English – we meet in person or Online


Change is not a dirty word, it’s an integral part of our daily life today. Go for it. Better to be proactive than to have change come down on you.

  • I coach my clients to create environments and action plans that support their goals and desires in the physical world.
  • I work with clients to reveal their underlying and limiting beliefs, the cause that is creating the physical manifestation or effects in their personal and professional lives.
  • I coach my clients to move beyond these limiting beliefs and create and incorporate new thoughts, beliefs and actions that are aligned with their goals and desires.

Many of us think that we are changing all the time. The thing is, change initiated by ourselves is usually fine with us . . . most of the time.

However, almost daily, life confronts us with change; some we notice, some we reject, some we make others responsible for, some we find useless, some might ask for uncomfortable actions we can do without, and some are unwanted challenges, neglected if possible. We might find excuses not to confront any of them. What if we neglect change and it comes down on us hard? Be proactive and get rid of old beliefs that do not fit this day and age anymore.

About Me, Myself, and I

I personally started out in banking and spent many years in the banking industry both locally in Germany and internationally in London (70s) and New York (80s) mainly in corporate banking. In 1992, I left banking and became CFO in small caps of different industries plus a subsidiary of the German Railroad Company. In 2001 Jürgen Wirobski and I started to work together as WIROBSKI + RATHJE, business consultants.

In daily life, mental health, or more so resilience, is therefore a key factor to any kind of
sustainable success in both our corporate life as well as in our personal life.It has become the major focus of my work.

Figures, Data, and Facts: any corporate universe today demands good cooperation and mindfulness from its “corporate jugglers,” the people that work in teams or are just forming a work group. Corporate planning, organization, processes, forecasts /reporting, and controlling were my key focal points for many years.

As a woodstocking® Trainer, I am focusing on the synergy of Body and Mind work – for rest and recreation as well as personal development – it’s like meditation in motion – finding internal and external peace, a good attitude, posture as well as health – see www.woodstocking.de – sorry so far only in German.

(Certified holistic Coach by Angelika Gulder http://www.coaching-up.de/)

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